Let's Tackle Global Youth Unemployment! |

"Peter Vogel's work on tackling youth unemployment around the world is inspiring and gives hope to those who feel like there is nothing left to hope for. This book is an excellent read for anyone who wishes to join the cause to create a better future for the generations to come. His mission is mine, to lay out a blueprint for those with aspirations and great ideas, so that they can become job creators, wealth creators, and in certain cases, go from unemployed to self-employed."
John Hope Bryant, Founder, Chairman & CEO of Operation Hope
“The world of work is transforming at a furious, unprecedented pace, and young people are the ones that are hit hardest. This is a truly powerful book that gives us hope that it is not too late to avoid a generation jobless."
Mike Johnson, Chairman & Founder of the Futurework Forum and author of “The Worldwide Workplace: Solving the Global Talent Equation”
"How might we best prepare students for the world of work in the 21st century? This thorough and timely book about the youth unemployment crisis describes interesting possibilities from around the world."
Charles Fadel, co-author of “21st Century Skills: Learning for Life in Our Times” and visiting practitioner, Harvard University
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Generation Jobless? uniquely explores the characteristics of both today's and tomorrow's youth and the causes of the youth unemployment crisis. The book takes a global, multi-stakeholder perspective to showcase proven solutions to tackle the crisis. Featuring interviews and input from business leaders, policy makers, educators, entrepreneurs and the Next Generation itself, it offers a positive and constructive look at change by directing each group to become part of the solution and in particular youth to take on responsibility for themselves and their peers by turning into job creators rather than job seekers.